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Coming Soon: Dodd Frank 1071 Monitoring

Automated Consumer Lending Compliance

Leverage the power of AI to manage consumer lending compliance. Automatically audit your customer conversations to catch, and quickly mitigate, any violations.

Up to 20,000 free calls
Backed By Y Combinator Logo

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Now monitoring UDAAP and FDCPA Now monitoring UDAAP and FDCPA

Tired of large, inefficient audit teams?

Regulation agencies such as CFPB, FDIC, and OCC impose many intentionally ambiguous regulations. Previously, that meant you needed a large, expensive audit team to check even a tiny fraction of customer calls.

Now Monitoring: UDAAP and FDCPA

Shiboleth makes compliance easy


Flag Every Violation

Shiboleth automatically flags compliance violations in customer interactions.


Ever Evolving

Automatically identify and isolate trends by using public complaint comparison.

alarm bell

Rapid Response

Shiboleth will raise appropriate mitigation actions as soon as it detects a violation.


Game Changing Speed

Our LLMs use NLP to process massive amounts of data in a tiny amount of time. Clear your backlog and stay up to date with Shiboleth.


Every Customer Call

Leverage the power of AI to scour all of your customer calls in a fraction of the time it takes a manual team.


Extensive Knowledge

Shiboleth uses public reviews, CFPB complaints, and enforcement actions to identify the most enforceable regulations.

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Ready to get started?

Start catching any violations. Try Shiboleth and get a free audit of up to 20,000 calls

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Automated Consumer Lending Compliance


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